Player departures from senior squad

Date: 05 June 2024

Ahead of the 2024/25 season we bring you news of players who are moving on to pastures new and do so with the best wishes of the club.

Ben Dorrington

Ben Dorrington leaves Hoppers to join Fylde. It has long been his wish to finish his rugby career, playing alongside his brother, Jordan, also at Fylde. Ben has been an exceptional player for Preston for the past 4 years, having made 82 1st team appearances. Dan Orwin said, “Ben leaves us with our very best wishes, and he and his family will be missed on a matchday. Ben is a great player and a great bloke. He has been incredibly versatile, having played in the back row, at 12, and even at 9 during his time with us! Thankfully, his son will still be pulling on the Hoppers shirt every Sunday! All the best, Ben!

Olli Trippier

Prop forward Olly Trippier leaves to return to Fylde, his boyhood club. Olly joined the club for the 2017-18 season, and has made 132 1st team appearances. He has been an integral part of the 1st team in his time at Hoppers, and we wish him all the best for the future. Dan Orwin said, “We wish Tripps all the best at Fylde and we thank him for all his efforts in a Hoppers shirt. Having worked with him at both Fylde and Preston, he’s become a good friend over the years and I’m sorry to see him go but understand that he wants to finish his career as his boyhood club.”

Will Hunt

Talented young fly half, Will Hunt, departs to join Sale FC in National League One. Will rejoined Hoppers in the 2022-23 season, and has made 37 1st team appearances scoring 280 points in his second spell with the club. As a club, we are very proud that one of our players has stepped up a level. Dan Orwin said, “Will has had some great games for us, and is a mercurial talent. Some of the things he is capable of on the pitch are exceptional. When he signed for us, we knew that he aspirations of playing at a higher level, and we are delighted for him that he will be joining Sale FC next year. I’ve known Will since he was 16, having coached him at Myerscough College and Lancashire U18, and I’m really proud of him.”

Niall Povall

Scrum Half Niall Povall (20) departs to join Blackburn. Niall has played a few 1st team games this season and is a real talent. Niall attended Kirkham Grammar School and was a part of the Sale Sharks academy. As a young player, he wants more 1st team opportunities, and this is understandable. Niall leaves with our best wishes and we hope to see him back at Hoppers soon! Dan Orwin said, “Niall leaves with our best wishes and we understand his reasons for leaving. He is a real talent and is definitely one for the future. We will be keeping in touch with Niall, and he is welcome back anytime!”

Sam Townsley

Second Row forward Sam Townsley leaves us to take up a playing opportunity in Australia. Thanks for all your efforts over the last season, Sam. Best of luck in Australia!

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