Capital Project Update

Date: 17 April 2021

As we welcome customers back to the newly named Terrace Bar@Hoppers it seems an appropriate time to update on the various capital projects.

In terms of expense the largest but the least visible has been the roof replacement. This had to be extended to encompass the changing room area as well as most of the main clubhouse. It is scheduled to be finished in the next few weeks and for the first time for a number of years we can enjoy a dry clubhouse. Importantly the other internal work on the clubhouse and changing rooms shouldn’t be wrecked by water ingress.

The other projects completed since we went into lockdown at Christmas have been the Simons Lounge floor and the Wiseman windows. These latter are allowing a lot more light into the Wiseman (there is a danger you will be able to see the food you are eating) and complete its transformation. Access from the reception area is a lot easier and its expansion into the old offices give more space.

New Windows in Wiseman

The conversion of the old north end gents, referees room and storage area into a ladies/gents/disabled toilets servicing the north end of the clubhouse and the Terrace Bar@Hoppers proceeds apace and should be finished by the end of next month. This together with the work being done to provide electricity and hence outdoor heaters to the terrace will complete the work to be done in this area for the summer, possibly excepting some cosmetic work on the area of the Dooley servicing the Terrace Bar@Hoppers. Any further enhancements, internal or external in this area will then be assessed in the light of experience of the Terrace Bar@Hoppers this summer and availability of funds.

Future north end Ladies

The other clubhouse projects which we hope to carry out over the summer are a modernisation of the Wainwright Bar and an improvement to the south east entrance, re-tarmacing parts of both car parks, replacement of the internal emergency lighting and sundry other minor works.

Finally work will start shortly on the 2nd team pitch.

This has long been the grass pitch most in need of care and attention. As can be seen above despite the light use over the winter it is in poor condition. A survey we had commissioned in 2016 highlighted that it needed new drains and a major makeover. The plan is to install drains at 5metre intervals rather than the 10 metres that would have sufficed but the additional cost was felt justified by the fact that this work should last half a century. The soil quality would then be improved by spreading the mound which comprises soil salvaged from construction of the AGP over it to a depth of 10 to 12 inches. The intention is that the pitch will be ready for use by this autumn.

Not strictly capital the intention is to have a marquee from mid-July to September in the area between the squash courts and the nursing home. This will necessitate minor works to improve access and enhance security. The marquee is intended to host events that would otherwise be in the Dooley which will remain in use for the Vaccination Centre. We are keen to maximise the marquee’s utilisation and anyone wishing to use it or with ideas as to its use should contact

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