Club Consultation Meeting

Date: 07 March 2016

There will be a meeting, open to all, on Thursday 24 March at 1930hrs in the Dooley Suite.

The purpose of the meeting is to inform and consult with members on both the progress with the RFU as regards the proposed installation of an Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) on pitch one and the vision for the future development of the club’s property as envisaged by the Masterplan. The meeting will consist of separate presentations on the AGP and the Masterplan followed by open forums to give members an opportunity to raise questions and contribute their own suggestions.

This is not a decision making meeting and if we proceed with the AGP there will be a formal Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to approve the Heads of Terms but it represents an opportunity for all to be part of the process of taking the club forward.

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