Farewell Portaloos, Hello Twenty First Century

Date: 13 July 2021

The latest stage of the Hoppers re-development has now been reached as the new toilets at the North End of the Club were opened without fanfare last week and the unlamented portaloos were carted away. A ceremonial first use by Club President Keith Brierley had to be abandoned due to Covid restrictions.

The development of a Ladies, Gents and Disabled facility in place of the old gents and referees changing rooms marks a significant development. Since the clubhouse was built in 1972/3 provision for Ladies has been limited and now at last the Club has come into the twenty first century and has equal facilities for both sexes.

Thanks are due to the hard working Clerk of the Works team of Hugh Duckworth and Ian Mackenzie who envisaged and saw this project through.

The pictures below show work in progress and on the bottom row the finished Gents and Ladies.

Commenting on the new facilities an anonymous female member said “What a difference! I’ve always been slightly embarassed of the provision for female guests that I bring to the club but now I’ll be bringing them just to show off the new toilets! What a fantastic job by all involved. It might only seem like a trivial thing but excellent toilet facilities can make all the difference when trying to impress visitors and I’m sure this new facility will lead to many more bookings in the future.”

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