HopFest goes from strength to strength

Date: 27 July 2016

Our second annual beer festival HopFest16 is proving a very popular addition to the club’s social calendar.

Over 1600 visitors to club during the weekend enjoyed an extended range of cask ale, a new Craft Ale and Cider Bar and another new addition the extremely popular Prosecco and Gin Bar. Friday’s proceedings were kicked off with a sponsors afternoon for the Hoppers Business Network. Over 350 members of the Preston business community tasted and ate their way through the afternoon, ignoring the cloudbursts by staying under cover in the Dooley Suite or the extended marquee. Friday evening proved popular with a steady flow of visitors.

The weather was kinder on Saturday and the Fancy dress Touch Rugby tournament attracting 12 teams to enter and there was a great family atmosphere in sunshine. Many stayed into the evening and more visitors came and more or less drank the place dry by the end of the night! As ever it is difficult to judge demand particularly with the English weather but lessons have been learnt for next year!. Local bands entertained the crowds through the weekend culminating in a fabulous set by Kathy and Hornbeats which brought the house down late on Saturday evening.

HopFest will back next July 7th and 8th with more Cask ale, Craft beer, Cider and an expanded Gin and Prosecco bar! We also have our own version of Munich Beer Halls on October 1st so join us at HoptoberFest!

Key stats
Visitors – 1600
Cask Ale – 3710 pints
Craft Beer – 1468 pints
Cider – 1160 pints
Prosecco – 103 Bottles
Gin & Tonics or cocktails – 600 drinks
Meals served – 1200

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