Hoppers Community Lottery – Week 15

Date: 17 April 2016


The 15th draw of the Hoppers Community Lottery took place in the clubhouse at the weekend and was drawn by 1st XV man of the match Jacob Browne.

In total 274 numbers were sold for a total of £137. Half of this fund is given as prizes with the other half going towards improvements and refurbishments around the club.

This week’s lucky winners are –

1st – No.188 – £41.10 Jake Ellwood
2nd – No.252 – £16.44 Chris Murphy
3rd – No.185 – £10.96 Simon Walmsley

Membership to the lottery can be made through the purchase of 50p units, either on 1st team match days (pay 2/3 weeks in front) or by monthly direct debit (minimum 2 numbers per week for DD).

The minimum purchase is a single unit however additional units which will increase the chances of winning a prize can be obtained in multiples of 50p. 50% of the monthly income is distributed in prizes of which there will be 3 per week.

As an example if 400 units are sold that will mean a prize pot of £100 with a first prize of £60, second prize of £24 and third prize of £16.

Winners will be published on the website, as well as the noticeboard in the club every week. A new Facebook page has been setup as well to help spread the word.

Hoppers Community Lottery Facebook Page

The more members taking part means a bigger prize pot for all and greater benefit for the Club.
If you wish to join simply, fill in the online application form below selecting how many units per week you would like, ask the office for a direct debit form or sign up in person on Saturdays at the club 1pm – 2:30pm.


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