Date: 09 September 2018

Hoppers Cricket team secured the championship of the Boddington’s Village Cricket League in style in the final game against Guy’s on 22nd August, going one better than last season when they shared the trophy with neighbours Fulwood & Broughton.

The game was reduced to 10 overs a-side due to weather conditions and, batting first, Hoppers posted an impressive 114-7 with Steve Kerry (21), Martin Bowden-Williams (20) and Ally Murray (25) all retiring. Guy’s were never in the hunt and ended up on 66-8 with Cameron Berry taking 2-2 and Steve Kerry 2-14.

Captain Jim Moore said: “A very satisfactory season and, although we were already out of reach before the last game, we had been helped by Whittingham conceding in the penultimate fixture. This conclusive win gave us a six-point margin and saw off any charges of ‘winning by default’! To use a ‘Trumpism’, we have made Hoppers great again…again!”


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