Two new Honorary Life Members announced

Date: 17 September 2023

Hoppers are delighted to announce that John Dewhurst and Mike Forshaw were approved as Hoppers Honorary Life Members at the Club AGM held on 31st August.

John (pictured above right) was chairman of the 1869 club for many years, during which he was responsible for raising considerable funds in support of club activities. Under John’s leadership the 1869 Club provided great support for players at away games, he and wife Karol were always amongst those supporters. John continues to help out at most home games, marshalling the front car park come rain, hail or shine.

Mike (pictured above left) was secretary of the club for several years, he returned from retirement to fill the role for a second time when the post became vacant for a short period. Then he assumed the role of club archivist, getting all our records into shape and working with the County Records Office to ensure safe storage of important documents and photos. He also compiled the club’s digital archive, which is a fantastic resource for all those interested in Hoppers’ history. Mike and wife Cath are very active members of the 1869 Club and will often be seen in company of John and Karol in the bar of rival clubs.

Thank you very much to John, Mike and their families for their unwavering support of Hoppers, long may it continue!

Neil Ashton
Club Chairman

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